Vikas Kumar' s Articles

Impact of Self-help Groups on Improvement of Livestock Resources of Farmers 10.5958/2394-8159.2016.00003.7
Magnitude and Incidence of Agricultural Indebtedness in Bihar 10.5958/2394-8159.2016.00016.5
Effect of Agro-economic Variables on Disbursement of Agricultural Credit in Bihar 10.5958/2394-8159.2017.00001.9
Impact of Socio-Economic Variables on Disbursement of Agricultural Loan 10.5958/2394-8159.2017.00010.X
Impact of Socio-economic Variables on Disbursement of Agricultural Credit 10.30954/2394-8159.01.2019.4
Assessing the Factors Contributing to Farmers’ Income 10.30954/2394-8159.02.2019.2
Management of Grasslands in India: A Policy Perspective 10.30954/2394-8159.02.2019.4

AgroEcoomist-An International Journal In Association with AAEBM